The Directory of British and Irish Sound Archives is growing
With the addition of new information recently collated by the British Library for its UK survey of sound collections, the Directory on the BISA website now has around 100 collections listed. Please help us make the survey complete by taking part in the BL survey. Subject to your permission to share your information, we'll add your results here. To see the Directory map, go to: More information on the British Library's survey:
Put your archive on the map!
We're pleased to announce that the Directory of British and Irish Sound Archives is ready to be populated.
Registered BISA Members will shortly be receiving an email with details of how to go about creating an entry with collection description, access information and contact details viewable in table or map interface. Meanwhile, just click on the tab at the top of this page and see the first few entries added by BISA Committee members from around the BISA region.