Established in 1969, IASA was set up to function as "a medium for international co-operation between archives that preserve recorded sound and audiovisual documents". IASA is now the pre-eminent representative body on all matters relevant to sound archiving throughout the world. The annual conference of IASA is always a major professional communication event at which presentations on the latest thinking on preservation and access are mixed with case studies, regional reports, site visits, etc. See the IASA website for more details.


FIAT/IFTA stands for the "International Federation of Television Archives" (in both English and French) and is "an international professional association established to provide a means for co-operation amongst broadcast and national audiovisual archives and libraries concerned with the collection, preservation and exploitation of moving image and recorded sound materials and associated documentation." For more information see the FIAT/IFTA website.  


According to its website "the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres encourages and promotes the activities of music libraries, archives and documentation centres to support and facilitate the realization of projects in music bibliography, music documentation and music library and information science at national and international levels." See www.iaml.info/ for more information.


The Association of Moving Image Archivist is, to quote from its website, "a non-profit professional association established to advance the field of moving image archiving by fostering cooperation among individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, description, preservation, exhibition and use of moving image materials." It holds an annual conference and hosts a lively mailing list on which issues relating to sound archiving are discussed from time to time.  For more information see the AMIA website.

