Ekho:: Women in Sonic Art |
Brighton |
http://www.ekhofemalesound.wordpress.com |
2018-04-08 |
Elgar Birthplace Museum |
Lower Broadheath |
http://www.elgarmuseum.org |
2018-04-08 |
Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen |
Aberdeen |
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/elphinstone |
2018-04-08 |
Elsenham Vilage History Society |
Bishops Stortford |
http://www.elsenham-history.co.uk |
2015-02-22 |
EMI Group Archive Trust |
Hayes, Middlesex |
http://www.emiarchivetrust.org |
2015-04-12 |
Emsworth Museum |
Emsworth |
http://www.emsworthmuseum.org.uk |
2015-03-07 |
Endangered Language Archive, SOAS Library, SOAS University of London |
London |
http://www.elar-archive.org/index.php |
2018-04-08 |
English Heritage |
London |
http://www.english-heritage.org.uk |
2018-04-08 |
Enville & Stalybridge Estates |
Stourbridge |
http://www.envilleestate.com |
2015-04-12 |
Essex Sound and Video Archive |
Essex Record Office |
Chelmsford |
http://www.essexrecordoffice.co.uk/research/sound-video-arch... |
2022-10-09 |
Exeter Library (Devon Libraries) |
Exeter |
http://www.devon.gov.uk/libraries |
2015-02-22 |
Falkirk Archives |
Falkirk |
http://www.collections.falkirk.gov.uk |
2018-04-08 |
Fernhurst Society Oral History Archives |
Fernhurst |
http://www.fernhurstsociety.org.uk/oralhistory/oralhistory.h... |
2014-07-12 |
Forge Mill Needle Museum |
Redditch |
http://www.forgemill.org.uk |
2018-04-08 |
Freshwater Biological Association |
Far Sawrey |
http://www.fba.org.uk |
2018-04-08 |
Friends of Hoar Oak Cottage |
Nailsea |
http://www.hoaroakcottage.org |
2018-04-08 |
Gairloch Heritage Museum |
Gairloch |
http://www.gairlochheritagemuseum.org |
2022-10-09 |
Garston & District Historical Society |
Liverpool |
http://www.garstonhistoricalsociety.org.uk/society_activitie... |
2015-02-22 |
George Marshall Medical Museum |
Worcester |
http://www.medicalmuseum.org.uk |
2016-01-20 |
Gerald Coke Handel Foundation |
London |
http://www.foundlingmuseum.org.uk/collections/gerald-coke-ha... |
2015-02-22 |