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Displaying 41 - 60 of 394 archives
Archive name Parallel namesort descending Locality Website Updated
University of Westminster Archive London http://westminster.ac.uk/archive 2022-10-09
Fernhurst Society Oral History Archives Fernhurst http://www.fernhurstsociety.org.uk/oralhistory/oralhistory.h... 2014-07-12
Royal College of Nursing Archives Edinburgh http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/library_and_heritage_servi... 2022-10-09
National Fairground Archive, University of Sheffield Sheffield http://www.nfa.dept.shef.ac.uk/ 2015-02-22
National Museums Northern Ireland Sound Archive Holywood http://www.nmni.com 2022-10-09
Sandra Shevey Hollywood Interviews Audio Archive (1968 - date) London http://sandrashevey.tripod.com/hitchcock.walks 2022-10-09
Museum of London London http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/london-wall/ 2015-02-22
London Metropolitan Archives Clerkenwell http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/lma 2022-10-09
Museum of Carpet Kidderminster http://museumofcarpet.org/ 2015-02-22
East Midlands Oral History Archive Leicester http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/ 2023-04-28
St Hilda's College Archive, Oxford Oxford http://www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk/college/college-archive 2022-10-09
Royal Voluntary Service Archive & Heritage Collection Devizes http://www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/about-us/our-history... 2022-10-09
Gairloch Heritage Museum Gairloch http://www.gairlochheritagemuseum.org 2022-10-09
A Sound Map Of Harrogate Harrogate http://asoundmapofharrogate.co.uk 2015-02-22
Abigail Hollick London http://abigailhollick.com 2015-02-22
Ashwell Village Museum Baldock http://www.ashwellmuseum.org.uk 2015-02-22
Bill Dean-Myatt Walsall 2015-02-22
Bishop's Waltham Museum Trust Bishop's Waltham http://www.bishopswaltham.net/museum/ 2015-03-07
Blaenau Gwent Library Service, Tredegar Library Local Studies Collection Tredegar 2015-02-22
Brasenose College Oxford http://www.bnc.ox.ac.uk/ 2015-02-22
