Local Studies Library, Central Library
Surrey Street
South Yorkshire
S1 1XZ
United Kingdom
Collection owner: 
Collection name: Manor Memories Project; Subjects: Oral History: Manor memories project run in 2013 by the Sheffield Manor Parish with funding from Heritage Lottery Fund as part of their All Our Stories Initiative. Oral histories of residents of Manor Parish, Manor Estate and Norfolk Park; items: 1 x DVD. Collection name: Assay Office Punchbowl Launch; Subjects: Oral History: Recorded at the launch of the Millennium Punchbowl sponsored by the Assay Office at the Millennium Galleries; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Burngreave Voices; Subjects: Oral History: Burngreave Voices: Our Stories Celebrated is a Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust project in partnership with Sheffield Libraries. Oral History Interviews with people from Burngreave, a multicultural area of Sheffield; items: 35 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Workers Educational Association; Subjects: Oral History: Hell But I'd Go Back Tomorrow: Voices of steelworkers from the Don Valley; items: 1 x DVD. Collection name: Sheffield Libraries Oral History; Subjects: Oral History: Oral History audio interviews on CD Rom originally recorded on cassettes in Sheffield in the early 80s. Covers a wide range of subjects on living and working in the city; items: 389 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Lives In Steel; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history of the steel industry compiled from over a hundred recorded interviews by Alan Dein and Rob Perks; items: 1 Compact Cassette, 1 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Pit Voices; Subjects: Oral History: Pit Voices : Yorkshire mining veterans in their own words compiled by Brian Elliott; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Millennium Galleries Cutlery Exhibition; Subjects: Oral History: Oral histories of the cutlery trade; items: 25 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Music Collection; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz; World, Folk & Traditional Music; Classical Music: Collection of recordings on vinyl, compact disc, cassette and DVD of local musicians. Includes pop groups, brass bands, choirs, orchestras, recordings of local songs, carols etc; items: Lacquer Disc,178 Vinyl Disc, 205 Compact Cassette, 185 published CD, DVDs
0114 273 4753
Contact name 1: 
Maggie Tyson