Western Bank Library
Western Bank
South Yorkshire
S10 2TN
United Kingdom
Collection owner: 
Collection name: Allan Recordings; Subjects: Documentary & News: Recordings of interviews with librarians and booksellers about the book trade made by Alastair Allan in 1974.; items: 12 Compact Cassette Collection name: Hines Papers; Subjects: Drama & Literature : Sound recordings included as part of archive of Barry Hines.; items: 14 Compact Cassette Collection name: Sir Gareth Roberts Papers; Subjects: Oral History; Documentary & News: Sound recordings included as part of archive of Sir Gareth Roberts (1940-2007).; items: 16 Compact Cassette Collection name: Britain & The Refugee Crisis; Subjects: Oral History : Recordings of interviews with mostly Jewish refugees in mid-20th century Britain.; items: 168 Compact Cassette Collection name: Theatre Archive Project: Archive; Subjects: Oral History; Drama & Literature: Recordings of interviews with those visiting or working in the theatre between 1945 and 1968.; items: 170 Audio CD-R Collection name: Sir Thomas Beecham Music Library; Subjects: Classical Music: Some commercial music recordings included alongside collection of music scores and newscuttings relating to the life and career of Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961).; items: 19 Vinyl Disc, 2 Open Reel Tape, 9 Compact Cassette Collection name: Lydia Henry Documents; Subjects: Oral History: Recording of interview with Lydia Henry (1891-1985) included in archive of her papers.; items: 2 Compact Cassette Collection name: Curtis Collection; Subjects: Language & Dialect; World, Folk & Traditional Music: Sound recordings included as part of an archive relating to children's games and songs assembled by Mavis Curtis between 1992 and 2006.; items: 2 Compact Cassette, 7 Audio CD-R Collection name: Sheffield University Library Sound Recordings; Subjects: Documentary & News: Commercial recordings of speeches and events.; items: 20 Vinyl Disc Collection name: Changing Identities; Subjects: Oral History: Recordings of interviews with members of the Ukrainian community in Bradford between 1995 and 1998.; items: 23 Compact Cassette Collection name: Tom Hague Papers; Subjects: Language & Dialect; Oral history: Recordings of interviews and poetry reading included as part of archive of 'Totley' Tom Hague (1915-1998).; items: 3 Audio CD-R Collection name: Unfinished Histories; Subjects: Oral History; Drama & Literature: Recordings of interviews with those involved in the alternative theatre movement in the late 1960s and 1970s.; items: 36 Audio CD-R Collection name: British Union Collection; Subjects: Oral History; Documentary & News: Sound recordings included as part of an archive relating to the British Union of Fascists, including speeches and memoirs.; items: 4 Compact Cassette, 1 published CD Collection name: Sheffield Voices Project; Subjects: Oral History; Language & Dialect: Recordings of interviews from a project researching Sheffield dialect in texts.; items: 6 Audio CD-R Collection name: Radio Luxembourg Archive; Subjects: Oral History: Sound recordings included as part of archive relating to the history of Radio Luxembourg in mid-20th century.; items: 6 Compact Cassette, 1 Audio CD-R Collection name: Hoggart Papers; Subjects: Oral History; Documentary & News: Sound recordings included as part of archive of Richard Hoggart (1918-2014).; items: 60 Compact Cassette Collection name: Action Space Extended; Subjects: Drama & Literature; Popular Music & Jazz: Sound recordings included as part of the archive of the community arts company Action Space, later Action Space Mobile, including recordings of events, music, drama, etc. from 1968 onwards.; items: 98 Open Reel Tape, 60 Compact Cassette Collection name: Archives Of Cultural Tradition Sound Recordings; Subjects: Oral history; World, Folk & Traditional Music; Drama & Literature; Language & Dialect: Recordings made by many contributors of traditional song, music and drama; dialect speech; calendar customs; cultural traditions; children's games and songs.; items: 980 Open Reel Tape, 2463 Compact Cassette
Contact name 1: 
Jacky Hodgson