Discovery Museum
Blandford Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne & Wear
United Kingdom
Collection owner: 
Collection name: Boosey & Hawkes Recording Wire; Subjects: : Unknown. May be blank; items: 1 Recording Wire. Collection name: Edison Tinfoil Phonograph; Subjects: Possibly recording of John Henry Holmes, inventor; items: 1 Tinfoil Recording. Collection name: Impulse Studios, Wallsend; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Archive of recording studios founded in 1966. Recording labels used by the studios included Completely Different Records, Edgy Records, Floating World, Metal Minded. MWM Records, Neat Records, Outburst Records, Rubber Records and Wudwink. The collection comprises masters, promos, demos and commercial output; items: Lacquer Disc,72 Vinyl Disc, 11 Compact Cassette, 1 DAT, 34 published CD, 1" tapes, 2" tapes unknown quantity. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Video oral histories made by Age Exchange;; items: 10 x DVDs. Collection name: McKenzie Medi@ (Media Production Company); Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio; Adverts: Archive of media production company; items: 154 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Fenwick Ltd; Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio; Adverts; Soundtracks: Radio broadcast (1936), adverts, soundtracks for Christmas windows and unidentified; items: 78 Open Reel Tape, 10 Compact Cassette, 2 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Royal Northern Sinfonia; Subjects: Classical Music: Various recordings; items: 29 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Ralph Gardner School, North Shields; Subjects: Documentary & News: Radio Newcastle Broadcast on Thomas Haswell; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Talking Book Cassette; Subjects: Documentary & News: Talking book recording; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Collection name: South Tyneside Hospitals; Subjects: Documentary & News, Speeches & Events: Audio tapes of various events, c.1975 and 1969; items: 3 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: BBC Radio Newcastle; Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio: News programmes; items: 806 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Newcastle & District Co-operative Holiday Association and Holiday Fellowship Rambling Club; Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio: Excerpt from 'To The Hills', broadcast on 7 April 1972 by BBC Radio Newcastle. Consists of interview by John Guilfoyle with Mr L. Deans of the Rambling Club; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Swan Hunter, Shipbuilders; Subjects: Documentary & News; Radio: BBC Radio feature on North Tyneside Schools sports weeks; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Newcastle City Council; Subjects: Documentary & News; Speeches & Events: Audio recording of speeches at the opening of the Civic Centre by King Olav V of Norway, 14th November 1968,; items: 2 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Newcastle City Council; Subjects: Mechanical Sounds; Documentary & News; Speeches & Events: Audio recording of Civic Centre carillon, 1st December 1967; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Passion Archive; Subjects: Oral History: Recordings of North East people with "passion" for the region; items: 20 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews, early 1990s; items: 39 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews, 2000; items: 55 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews, 1970s; items: 43 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews, 2000; items: 13 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews, 1970s; items: 23 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Oral history interviews made in South Tyneside, nd (c.1980s?); items: 14 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, 2002,; items: 17 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, c.2000s; items: 10 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, nd; items: 1 Open Reel Tape, 17 Compact Cassette, 11 MiniDisc. Collection name: Interview; Subjects: Oral History: Interview (2005) re: WWII evacuation, National Service and teaching career; items: 1 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, 2005; items: 2 Compact Cassette, 8 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, 2005; items: 26 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews (2006) re: Irish heritage in South Tyneside; items: 7 MiniDisc. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews, 2006 and earlier; items: 2 Compact Cassette, 1 MiniDisc, 71 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews made for Punk76! Exhibition; items: 9 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews re: CWS; items: 11 Audio CD-R. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews with people from different cultures working at Swan Hunter; items: 1 MiniDisc, 34 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Various Oral History Interviews; Oral history interviews with Nissan employees; items: 31 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Interview; Subjects: Oral History: Interview with a Geordie Shore celebrity; items: 1 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Interviews; Subjects: Oral History: Interviews re: clothing trade; items: 2 Digital Audio Files. Collection name: Les Cavanagh Interview; Subjects: Oral History: Sound recording, on cassette tape, of an interview with Les Cavanagh, Big Issue (magazine), seller, Newcastle upon Tyne, talking about his experiences of homelessness in Newcastle upon Tyne, recorded 24 April 1997; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Associated Lead Company; Subjects: Oral History: Tape recordings collected by Dr Rowe in compiling his history of the company; items: 10 Compact Cassette. Collection name: John Rippington, Local Historian; Subjects: Oral History: Two tapes labelled Jarrow, content unknown; items: 2 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Albion Road Methodist Church, North Shields; Subjects: Oral History:; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: George Gray of South Shields; Subjects: Oral History: Reminiscenses of George Gray (b.1896) Wellesley Court, South Shields; items: 4 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Frances Elizabeth Kelly; Subjects: Oral History: Recording of daughter of 1890s diarist talking about her mother and reading extracts from shipboard diary; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Harry Dawson's Reminiscences of his upbringing in a Jesmond orphanage; Subjects: Oral History:; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Collection name: John Henry Holmes; Subjects: Oral History: Recollections by William Leech, builder, of his apprenticeship days at J.H. Holmes Electrics during the First World War, recorded January 1989; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: BBC Radio Newcastle; Subjects: Oral History; Wildlife & Natural Sounds; Language & Dialect; Documetary & News; Radio: Recordings of programmes made for BBC Radio Newcastle, 1970s-80s; items:. Collection name: Newcastle Boys Brigade; Subjects: Soundtrack: Soundtrack to film; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Gateshead West Constituency Labour Party; Subjects: :; items: 6 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Wax Cylinder Records; Subjects: :; items: 21 cylinder. Collection name: Wax Cylinder Records; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Commercial recordings; items: 83 cylinder. Collection name: Wax Cylinder Records; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Commercial recordings; items: 11 cylinder. Collection name: Wax Cylinder Records; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Commercial recordings; items: 12 cylinder. Collection name: Commercial Cassettes; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Commercial recordings; items: 17 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Commercial CDs; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz: Commercial recordings; items: 50 published CD. Collection name: Commercial Records; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz; Classical Music; World, Folk & Traditional Music: Commercial recordings; items: 200 Shellac Disc, Lacquer Disc,296 Vinyl Disc. Collection name: William Davidson; Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio broadcast with additional material; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Newcastle Quarter Sessions; Subjects: Speeches & Events: Recordings of proceedings, 1970; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Collection name: Royal Television Society; Subjects: Speeches & Events: Recordings of Lectures; items: 3 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Open Doors Community Project, Benwell, Newcastle; Subjects: Speeches & Events: Introduction to the project; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Collection name: Opening of the Tyne Bridge; Subjects: Speeches & Events: Speeches at opening, 1928; items: 1 Shellac Disc. Collection name: Sparkie Williams (Talking Budgie); Subjects: Wildlife & Natural Sounds: Recording of phrases budgie was trained to say; items: 1 Open Reel Tape,
0191 277 2241
Contact name 1: 
Liz Rees