Subjects: Classical Music: St Luke's church, Wimbledon Park: 78 record of church choir, 1949; items: 1 Shellac Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: Recordings of Guildford Symphony Orchestra and Guildford Choral Society conducted by Claud Powell, nd (c.1930); items: 5 Shellac Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: 78rpm gramophone records with selections from 'Tantivy Towers', three produced by Guildford Repertory Company with Trefor Jones, one produced with Stuart Wilson and piano accompaniment, nd (mid 20th century); items: 4 Shellac Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: Alice Songs: Cassette of recordings of parodies, Victorian versions, and extracts from Savile Clarke's Alice in Wonderland operetta: The Walrus and the Carpenter 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Classical Music: LP record 'Festival Anthems', featuring the choir of St Mary the Virgin, Ewell, directed by Philip Matthias. Lists members of choir on cover, 1982; items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: Audio tape labelled 'Amy Shuard Side 1' and 'Vol 1'. 1? Compact Cassette. Subjects: Classical Music: Gramophone record of carols from Wells Cathedral and Hersham parish church, recorded by Graham Clark Records of Addlestone, nd (c.1971); items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: CD of Boxgrove School choir dated July 1958. The CD was produced for the school reunion in 1994; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Subjects: Classical Music: Gramophone record produced by the Nork Park School musical groups, 1980; items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Classical Music: Record of songs and music performed by pupils of Knaphill County First School, Woking, nd (?1970s); items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Oral History: Tape recorded interviews, Compact Cassette, digital files, Audio CD-R, USB stick containing recordings (MP3 format), Flash drive. Subjects: Coroners Court Proceedings: Audio Cassette tapes of coroner's court proceedings. Subjects: Educational Material: Plastic presentation folder containing material for use in an audio-visual presentation concerning HIV/AIDS, and including booklet, audio tape and slides. Published by Aids-Help Switzerland, nd (1990s); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: Getting Ready for School - Home-School Activity Packs Issued by Surrey Education Services. Folder containing worksheets, audio tapes and teacher's notes. Part of the 'Getting Ready for School' scheme for pre-school children. 1994; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: Putting People First - Issued by the Surrey County Council Communications Group. Audio cassette tape, nd (?2000); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: Putting People First: Values in Practice - Issued by the Surrey County Council Communications Group. Audio cassette tape, with covering letter and accompanying notes, Dec 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: North West Surrey Libraries: Entries to creative writing and reminiscence competition held in partnership with Age Concern Surrey: 'Childhood' Includes one audio cassette tape, 1993; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: North West Surrey Libraries: Entries to creative writing and reminiscence competition held in partnership with Age Concern Surrey: 'Group Entries' Includes one audio cassette tape, 1993; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Educational Material: North West Surrey Libraries: Entries to creative writing and reminiscence competition held in partnership with Age Concern Surrey: 'Poetry', 1991-1993; items: 2 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio: Corporate Christmas card from County Sound Radio, Guildford, in the form of presentation box depicting Fred Astaire and chorus, and audio cassette tape entitled 'Thanks', nd (?1989); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio: Cassette tape radio recording of 'To Keep the Memory Green' (a series on literary societies). Humphrey Carpenter talks to members of the Lewis Carroll Society, nd (?1990s); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio: Enhanced CD copy (2007) of tape recording of live BBC radio programme 'Have A Go!' broadcast as part of the BBC Light Programme from Thursley Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25 February 1958; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Subjects: Radio: Audio cassette tape without title (County Sound Radio, Guildford), nd (?1989); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: CD Rom recording of 'State of Mind' on BBC Radio 4, Audio CD-R. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: test transmission tapes, Mar 1983 - Apr 1983; items: 3 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of the complete first day's transmission, 4 Apr 1983; items: 12 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of 'Here it Comes Again', a review programme broadcast each Sunday afternoon, repeating highlights from the week's broadcasts. [Note: there is no tape for Sunday 11 Dec], 10 Apr 1983 - 18 Dec 1983; items: 36 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of five specially selected 'sample' programmes broadcast in the year ending 31 Dec 1983, Apr 1983 - Dec 1983; items: 5 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Opening ceremony and first hour's broadcasting of Radio Mercury, independent radio station for Reigate and Crawley (cassette tape recording), 20 Oct 1985; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of 'Here it Comes Again', a review programme repeating highlights from the preview week's transmissions [Note: there are no tapes for 22 and 29 Jan; 5, 12 and 19 Feb; 13 May; and 9 Sep], 1 Jan 1984 - 30 Sep 1984; items: 33 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of 'County Sound Week', the successor to 'Here it Comes Again', 7 Oct 1984 - 23 Dec 1984; items: 13 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tape of 'Here it Comes Again', nd (?1980s); items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of interviews at 'County Sound Show', 28 May 1984; items: 3 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of concert by Surrey Youth Orchestra, 8 Apr 1984; items: 4 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of carol concert, 11 Dec 1983; items: 2 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of concert by Epworth Choir, 22 Oct 1983; items: 4 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of The County Sound Week, items: Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Radio County Sound, Guildford: tapes of A Child's View of Christmas, 25 Dec 1987; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Two audio tapes of Guildford AIDSline interviews for Country Sound Radio and Angel Sound. With typescript of interview details for HIV Infection and AIDS Information Week, 1988, although this does not seem to relate to the audio tapes; items: 2 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette tape recording of news flashes broadcast by County Sound Radio, Guildford, relating to disruptions on roads, school closures and other incidents resulting from severe winter weather conditions in Surrey, 15-16 Jan 1987; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Cassette tape of Southern Counties Radio programme on Dennis, 30 Dec 1996; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Transcript and CD Rom recordings of interview with Julian Pooley entitled 'Revisiting Collections', 6 Jul 2009; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of interview entitled 'Woking Nurseries', 21 Feb 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of 'Southern Counties, Foot and Mouth', 25 Apr 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Julian Pooley speaking on the Gentleman's Magazine, Sep 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Maggie Vaughan-Lewis speaking on emigration, 5 Sep 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Julian Pooley speaking on East & West Sussex, and Local History Week, 1 May 2002; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Mike Page speaking on 'Crime', nd (2000s); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Maggie Vaughan-Lewis, BBC Southern Counties Radio, Jan 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Mike Page speaking on 'Surrey & Wider World', 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of Jenni Waugh speaking on 'My Day', Southern Counties Radio, 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of House History Interview, BBC Southern Counties Radio. Jane Tombe interviewed by Neil Pringle, 14 Mar 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of BBC Southern Counties Radio, 'Surrey History Centre', 31 Jan 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of interview relating to 'Through Farm and Field' exhibition, 6 Mar 2002; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of untitled radio interview, Dec 2001; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of untitled radio interviews, nd (2000s); items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of untitled radio interview, 23 Jan 2002; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Radio; Documentary & News: Audio cassette recording of radio interview with Julian Pooley, 13 Feb 2002; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette tape featuring a talk by Mrs Judy Blanchard, widow of former chairman of Probus Club of Caterham, Harold Blanchard, given to the Probus Club of Seaford, East Sussex, 1993; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: CD of recording of Harvest Festival at All Saints, Warlingham, 1950. CD made from original recording in 2011. This was the first live service of a Prayer Book service to be transmitted by the BBC; items: 1 Audio CD-R. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Cassette tape recording of service of dedication of St Saviour's Church Centre, Woodbridge Road, Guildford, by the Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev Michael Adie, 23 May 1993; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio tape from envelope labelled 'church survey 1968', All Saints, Woodham, 1968; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Sound recording of triple anniversary service for Rosebery County School for Girls, Epsom, in Guildford Cathedral. 2 cassettes, 3 Jul 1987; items: 2 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Here a Church - Soundtrack to the son et lumiere in Croydon Parish Church for the Millenary Year. Audio tape recorded in 1960; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Tribute to Mrs A Wedgwood, of St Mark, Wimbledon. 1 reel, September 1961; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Cassette tape of a lecture given by John G W Lewarne, then president of the Leatherhead & District Local History Society, at Fetcham Village Hall. The lecture was arranged as part of the Halls' 50th anniversary celebrations. With insert listing topics covered, concerning the history of Fetcham, Leatherhead, Great Bookham and Ashtead. June 1983; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Reel to reel tape recording of the dedication ceremony of Ruxley Methodist Church, West Ewell, 8 May 1965; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Gramophone record of proceedings at the official opening of the new town hall at Walton on Thames for Walton & Weybridge Urban District Council by HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. The record was produced by Oak Records and has the reference number RGJ 404. It is contained in a cardboard sleeve bearing the coat of arms of Walton & Weybridge Urban District Council. 19 October 1966; items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio tape, 'Jump for Joy', new children's songs vol 1 compiled as a result of children's groups meeting for training weekends held by Ishmael and the Glorie company. Christ Church, Epsom, children's group sung the title track, nd (2nd half of 20th century); items: 1? Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette. People to People Service, at Christ Church (Methodist), Worcester Park, 18 May 1980; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: 7.5 IPS full track stereo tape recording of performance of 'Epsom Revued', 1985; items: 1? Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Reel of 8mm film entitled 'Church completion film', and audio tape entitled 'Church completion, Tadworth, 1962, H Entwistle'; items: 1 Open Reel Tape. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette tape recordings of Foundation lectures of the Wey Institute for Religious Studies, Guildford, winter 1985-1986. : 12 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette tape recordings of Foundation lectures of the Wey Institute for Religious Studies, Guildford, winter 1986-1987. 11 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette tape recordings of Foundation lectures of the Wey Institute for Religious Studies, Guildford, winter 1989-1990. 11 tapes (no. 8 missing); items: 11 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Papers relating to celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the consecration of St Peter and St Paul church. Includes audio tape recording and script of presentation, 'Albury Church - 150 years' by the Rev Dudley Gummer, and news cutting, 1992; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Gramophone records containing speeches at dinner in honour of Alec Bedser at The Dorchester Hotel, London, in sleeve with photograph of the dinner, 22 Sep 1960; items: Lacquer Disc,1 Vinyl Disc. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih III (1909-1982), 1978. 1 tape; Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV (1928-2003). 33 tapes; items: 34 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Miscellaneous sermons, 1984. 10 tapes; Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1985. 33 tapes; items: 43 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1985 contd. 13 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons, 1985. 4 tapes; Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1986. 26 tapes; items: 43 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1986 contd. 11 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons, 1986. 2 tapes; Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1987. 26 tapes; items: 39 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1987 contd. 13 tapes; miscellaneous sermons, 1987. 4 tapes; Friday sermons, by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1988. 26 tapes; items: 43 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Miscellaneous sermons, 1988. 3 tapes; Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1989. 39 tapes; items: 42 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1989 contd. 6 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons and lectures, 1989. 18 tapes; Friday sermons, (Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV), 1990. 18 tapes; items: 42 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 1990 contd. 23 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons and lectures, 1990. 9 tapes; Friday sermons, 1991. 11 tapes; items: 43 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1991 contd. 37 tapes; miscellaneous sermons, 1991. 8 tapes; items: 45 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Miscellaneous Friday sermons 1991 contd. 4 tapes; Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifutul Masih IV, 1992. 33 tapes. Miscellaneous sermons, Jul 1992. 2 tapes; items: 39 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday Sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 1993. 41 tapes; items: 41 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday Sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 1993 contd. 32 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons and events, 1993. 13 tapes; items: 13 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Friday Sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 1994. 6 tapes; Miscellaeous sermons, 1994. 5 tapes; Friday Sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 1994-1995. 5 tapes; Friday Sermons by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, 2003. 4 tapes; Miscellaneous sermons and lectures, 1982-2007. 49 tapes; items: 49 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio cassette tape recording of celebrations for the silver jubilee of St Mark's Church, Tattenham Corner, 1992; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio-cassette of County Councils Centenary Service in Westminster Abbey, 6 Mar 1989; items: 1 Compact Cassette. Subjects: Speeches & Events: Audio tape recording of consecration of St Francis church, Westborough, Guildford. Edited version with commentary by Reverend R Trevivian. Approximately 75 minutes, 19 Dec 1958; items: 1 Open Reel Tape, Compact Cassette. Subjects: Wildlife & Natural Sounds: Surrey Naturalists Trust, later the Surrey Trust for Nature Conservation (1976) and then the Surrey Wildlife Trust (1986). Audio cassette recording: Songs of Common Surrey Birds, 1984; items: 1 Compact Cassette,