Collection name: Robert Godridge Collection; Subjects: Popular Music & Jazz; Pre-1925 British Sound Recordings: My collection does go up to the 1950s but my main personal interest is in the acoustical era. Approximately 10,000 78s, approximately 8000 of which are pre-1930 British pressings. Approximately 300 acetate and lacquer discs many of which are home/private recordings. Appoximately 500 2 minute cylinders about half of which are British recordings, all pre-1912. Lots of illustrated childrens record sets. Approximately 150 British single sided records on Zonophone and other labels, all pre-1910. Approximately 400 budget 1920s records on labels such as Broadcast, Crown, Eclipse and Edison Bell Radio. Approximately 30 rare British flexible 78s. Approximately 20 7-inch British made records all pre-1906. Many Library records odd records such as advertising records, coronation records, several rare bubble books, little tots books and nursery rhyme records. My collection changes regularly and I add to it very often, I am a young (25 year old) collector and this is what I've picked up so far; items: 500 cylinder, 10000 Shellac Disc, 300 Lacquer Disc,3000 Vinyl Disc, 0 Open Reel Tape, 11000