St Fagans National History Museum
St Fagans
United Kingdom
Collection owner: 
Collection name: St Fagans Sound Archive; Subjects: Oral History; World, Folk & Traditional Music; Language & Dialect: St Fagans has the most comprehensive archive of oral testimony in Wales. Started in 1958, the archive is still growing. The collection includes recordings of folklore, folk music, dialect speech, traditional customs, and oral history. Most of this has been generated by internal fieldwork, but over the last decade or so, the Museum has increasingly become the repository for external oral history projects, usually funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. A large proportion of the archive is in the Welsh language. It holds the definitive collection of Welsh language dialect speech; items: 115 cylinder, 7500 Open Reel Tape, 2500 Compact Cassette, 100 DAT, 1600 Digital Audio Files, Copper disks made with a copper-disk cutting machine in the 1930s. Collection name: Cardiff University Welsh Language Research Unit Dialect Recordings; Subjects: Language & Dialect: About 2000 recordings of dialect speech made by the Welsh Language Research Unit at Cardiff University from the 1960s to the 1980s. They mainly cover south-east Wales (the old counties of Monmouthshire, Glamorgan, eastern Carmarthenshire and south Breconshire). They also include some recordings of Patagonian Welsh recorded in the 1960s. The originals are held on behalf of the University's Department of Welsh at St Fagans National History Museum, while a duplicate set is stored at the National Library of Wales; items: 500 Open Reel Tape, 1500 Compact Cassette,
Contact name 1: 
Beth Thomas