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Displaying 41 - 60 of 394 archives
Archive namesort descending Parallel name Locality Website Updated
Bristol Museums Galleries & Archives Bristol http://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk 2018-04-08
Bristol Record Office Bristol http://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-record-office/ 2015-04-12
British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council Cambridge http://www.antarctica.ac.uk 2018-04-08
British Library of Political & Economic Science London http://www.lse.ac.uk/library/home 2018-04-08
British Library sound archive The British Library London http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/bldept/soundarch/index.html 2014-07-24
British Trust for Ornithology Thetford http://www.bto.org 2015-02-22
Britten-Pears Foundation Aldeburgh http://www.brittenpears.org 2015-02-22
Bromyard & District Local History Society Bromyard http://www.bromyardhistorysociety.org.uk 2018-04-08
Bunnet-Muir Musical Theatre Archive Trust London http://overtures.org.uk/ 2015-03-07
C.G. Jung Club London London http://www.jungclub-london.org 2018-04-08
Camden Archives London 2015-04-12
Canterbury Cathedral Archives Canterbury http://archives.canterbury-cathedral.org/Default.aspx 2015-03-07
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Library Worthen http://www.cccbr.org.uk/library/ 2015-03-07
Centre for English Traditional Heritage Woodside http://www.centre-for-english-traditional-heritage.org/ 2015-04-12
Ceramic Archive, Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth http://www.ceramics-aberystwyth.com/ 2015-02-22
Charles de Ledesma London 2015-03-07
Cheltenham College Archives Cheltenham http://www.cheltenhamcollege.org 2018-04-08
Cheshire Archives & Local Studies Chester http://www.archives.cheshire.gov.uk 2018-04-08
Chris Vezey Epsom http://www.vipbroadcasting.co.uk 2015-03-14
Christ Church, Oxford Oxford http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk 2018-04-08
