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Displaying 241 - 260 of 394 archives
Archive name Parallel name Locality Website Updatedsort descending
Knole, National Trust Sevenoaks http://www.knolestories.org.uk 2018-04-08
Laban Library and Archive, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance London http://www.trinitylaban.ac.uk 2018-04-08
Lancaster University Lancaster http://www.faithdebates.org.uk 2018-04-08
Laxton History Group Newark 2018-04-08
Leeds Museums & Galleries Leeds http://www.leeds.gov.uk/museumsandgalleries 2018-04-08
Leisure & Culture Dundee Dundee http://www.leisureandculturedundee.com 2018-04-08
Lightbox, The Woking http://www.thelightbox.org.uk 2018-04-08
Lincolnshire Archives Lincoln http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/archives 2018-04-08
Lincolnshire County Council Library and Heritage Service; Stamford Library Stamford http://www.lincstothepast.com 2018-04-08
Linen Hall Library, Belfast Belfast 2018-04-08
Living Archive Milton Keynes Milton Keynes http://www.livingarchive.org.uk 2018-04-08
London Symphony Orchestra London http://www.lso.co.uk 2018-04-08
London Transport Museum London http://www.ltmuseum.co.uk 2018-04-08
Longhorsley Local History Society Morpeth http://www.sites.google.com/site/longhorsleylocalhistorysoci... 2018-04-08
Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge http://www.lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk 2018-04-08
Mandy Rathbone Bridport http://www.mysunriseproject.wordpress.com 2018-04-08
Mark Vernon Glasgow http://www.meagreresource.com 2018-04-08
Moidart History Group Lochailort http://www.moidart.org.uk 2018-04-08
Ms. M Taylor London http://www.deptfordpower.co.uk 2018-04-08
Museum of Soho, The London http://www.themuseumofsoho.org.uk 2018-04-08
