Dalcroze UK Archive - National Resource Centre for Dance


NRCD Archive University Library George Edwards Building
University of Surrey
United Kingdom

Collection owner: 



Collection name: Dalcroze UK Archive; Subjects: Oral History; Classical Music: The recordings in this collection are mainly of British Dalcroze Eurhythmics teachers who studied at the Bildungsanstalt Jaques-Dalcroze, Hellerau, Germany; the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva; the London School of Dalcroze Eurhythmics; and the London Dalcroze Training Centre. Some of the audio is of oral histories, capturing the experiences of learning the method (Dalcroze Eurhythmics) as well as teaching it in the UK and abroad. Others are concert performances, speeches or teaching demonstrations. The individuals whose voices and musical activity are represented on these readings include: Ethel Driver, Ann Driver, Bernard Reichel, Jean Vincent, Mary May, Phyllis Stammers, Laura Campbell, Vivian Molteno and Patsy James. Please note that some of these items are held privately by Patsy James and are currently being accessioned. For more information, please contact John.Habron@coventry.ac.uk; items: 15 Open Reel Tape, 10 Compact Cassette, 17 published CD,


01483 683030

Contact name 1: 

Sharon Maxwell

Email 1: